Monday 23 April 2012

The second beating

So, after my last blog, about bullying, Colin told me that maybe I should try and be more clear in my message. I deviate very easily from the topic but that is just how I write. 

I wrote this piece about 6 months ago and I think it sums up what I was trying to say in my last post..
I was a victim of bullying but I, in no way believe that gives me any excuse to bully others. Whether it be to physically hurt another living creature, say mean words to a friend, or to even gossip.

Of course, what girl hasn't gossiped in her life? Age will mature me and hopefully eliminate the need to do this in my future.


It has always been a challenge for me to discipline myself to do any kind of research on anything. It is an even greater challenge for me to discipline myself to do research on the major religions of this world. I believe this is because of fear and ignorance but most of all because of loyalty, Loyalty to the religion that I have known since I was a child. A religion that cradled me when my dear Grampa left, a religion that gave me friendship when I lacked that in school
However, if I am ever going to find the best course for me, discover the 'answer' to what life is All about .. then surely this IS the only way to do it! 
I read 'the essence of Buddhism' on my plane ride between Kuala Lumpar and London. A 13 hour journey thats boredom screamed the need to be annihilated. I slept a lot so I tried to find my enlightenment there but, after a serious ache in my knees and a realization that if I keep sleeping then jet lag is gonna really rear its ugly head, I decided to pull myself together and pass the time another way…Religious study ! 
I am pleasantly surprised by Buddhist study , geeez my mother would pull out her hair (then mine) if she heard me! But yep, buddhism or the 'essence' of it, at least, is pretty beautiful!
It deals more with ones self than the requirement to please another (such as a god) I am not sure about the golden fat buddha and how he relates to the 'story' but once I gain internet connection on solid ground I will find that out.
The self and it's connection to suffering, addressing the fact that the world is essentially evil because of human choices. Suffering is inevitable but if one leads a life of that fully accepts the idea that they will suffer at one stage or another than one can live in a peaceful existence. 
For example. John loves his rich lifestyle. He loves to entertain his friends and prepares huge dinners whenever they come over.
John avoids knowledge of  the suffering of the world. He enjoys expensive vacations, he has a great health plan, he is ignorant to the misery of the poor.
John will encounter suffering at one time or another, it is unavoidable, yet John has worked so tirelessly to ignore it, that when it comes it is like an earthquake, an electric current through his entire body. He cannot handle it and begins to fall apart. His attachment to the ego has caused his mind to be shut off from the reality of the world. If he had prepared himself, if he had listened to those that suffer everyday from the animals to the children to the adults and lived a life that, in no way, causes unnecessary pain to others he would be able to concentrate on life's simple pleasures. Instead, in hard times, he cries out 'why me?' rather than 'why not me? Which question has a more positive answer?
In some ways I should be thankful that I do not have riches like John, it is actually a great starting block. It gives me the ability that John does not have, the ability to suffer and to slowly adapt to it. If I gain riches I hope that I am prepared to facilitate them in ways that can end some suffering.
My favourite aspect of buddhism lies in the devotion to living a life that is morally 'right.'
Channel ones mind on the reality of the world rather than being distracted by temptations or the mind's interpretation of what is real. 
Do nothing that will cause suffering to others. Use actions and speech that are not used for sexual gratification, used to be malicious or are driven by hate.
In other words, live a life that leaves the smallest negative imprint on others.

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